Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Some Favorites From the past year




Just Some Favorite Pics


More Christmas Pics


Sweet Cade Talking to Santa


Christmas Time

Well we had a great Christmas!  Technically this was Tanner's second Christmas but really it was her first to get some real goodies from Santa.  Her favorite present so far is her baby piano.  I remember seeing pictures of me when I was around her age having a blast on a baby piano so this is the one thing that I was hoping Santa would bring her.  She cracks me up playing it.  Leave it to Tanner to come up with a one-of-a-kind way to play her piano........she plays with her butt!  She goes and sits on the keys and just bouces up and down playing while drinking her sippy cup.  She cracks me up!

She also likes her big brother's bean bag that he got from GiGi.  Cade on the other hand is not too excited about her interest in his bag and he is hoping she gets bored with it quick.