Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Beach!

The beach, the beach, the beach.....we're going to the beach.  Well, we actually just got back but we had such a great time.  Tanner was sooooo good and I could not have even thought of any way for her to have been better!  She slept in her pack n play on the beach for hours, played in it and just enjoyed being under the umbrella.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy 8 Months!!

Wow!  Where has the time gone??  You are now 8 months old and we have loved every minute of it!  You are now starting to crawl and get into EVERYTHING!!!!  I am going to be a nervous wreck for a while now.  You have headed straight for cabinets, drawers and plugs......like you have been eyeing  them for months just waiting to get mobil enough to reach them.