Saturday, December 31, 2011

At Home With My Babies

I absolutely love being at home with my babies on maternity leave.  It is extra special this time because it is around the holidays.  We have gotten to enjoy the time with each other instead of being rushed.

Monday, December 26, 2011


It is your first Christmas and you are the cutest thing ever!  We put some doggie reindeer antlers on you and I have never seen any baby so adorable!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Coming Home

Your brother was sooooo excited for you to come home and live with us.  I have to admit that I was a little nervous.  Cade had been the only one with all of the attention from me and he was definitely a mommy's boy so I was nervous that he would get jealous and upset with a new baby in the house.  I should have known better.....he accepted you with open arms and has loved you since the day he laid eyes on you.  It didn't hurt that you brought a Mater Laptop with you when you arrived to give to your big brother.  He thought that was pretty cool.

Monday, October 10, 2011

One Lucky Girl

 Everyone loved you from the moment you came into this world.  You are one lucky girl to have so many people care about you so much.  Always remember that everyone one will always love you no matter what. We will all be here for you through good times and bad.  You will never be alone.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Part Two Birth Story

So here we are in our room for three days.  We had many, many visitors and everyone loved holding you and seeing you.  You were such a content little baby in the hospital.  Your daddy and I look at you and your brother and know how lucky we are.  You both are beautiful and healthy.  The hospital stay was uneventful.  We finally got to bring you home on October 7th.  This worked out perfect for your daddy and football Saturday!!  Cade is so good with you and so loving.  You are very lucky to have such a great big brother.  I was still super sore from the surgery so your daddy took over for a few nights so I could recover.  There was one night that he kept you in the den while I slept ALL night in our room.  During the day, daddy went to work and you and I slept.....all day.  It was great and relaxing and really helped us get to feeling "normal".

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Welcome Little Miss!!!

Well, you little Miss have kept me on my toes and my arms full so it has been longer than I had planned to get her blog going but it is officially underway!!!!  You are now two months old but let's start at the beginning.........October 3rd I went into the doctor's office because you had not been moving and I was worried.  Well I got to the doc's and got hooked up to the heart monitor and as I had movement.  Your heartbeat was at a stable more and no less.  The doc did not like this as there should be some fluctuation so I got to visit the labor & delivery floor for stimulated contractions.  Hours later, you decided to move around a little bit and I was sent home.  I still didn't fell assured that everything was okay and the stimulation of the contractions seemed to work b/c they did not let up all night or the next day.  Dr. McKee called the next morning to check on me/you and I told him about the contractions.  He advised me to come in around lunch if they didn't let up.  So here we are, lunch time rolls around and you are still making your presence known.  So off to the doctor's I go.....but not before a quick run to McDonalds.  You see, the day prior of monitoring was long and uneventful.......with no food so I was sure not going to starve again while laying there for hours just to be sent home.  I get a quarter pounder and a milkshake and take it down without thought.  I get to labor and delivery, get hooked up to the monitor and start flipping through the tv for some daytime tv. Your daddy keeps calling and checking on me and asking me when I get to come home, what is going on, etc........all questions which I had no answers to.......until the nurse came in and said "Well aren't going home are going to have a baby".  What?!?!!!!! You weren't due until the 21st and I promised everyone at work that I would return.  You seemed to have different plans.  Your heartrate was around 140/150 but every time I would have a contraction, it would fall to 70 or 80 meaning that you were under stress for some reason.  This was not part of my plan.....I was supposed to have a few more weeks to enjoy quarter pounders and milkshakes.....woops.  The need for that last meal kinda put us in a pickle and we had to wait longer to get going so my meal could process.....go figure.  Anyway, I called your daddy and told him that we were going to meet you today.  He was about to leave work and of course kept asking questions I did not have answers to like......when is it going to happen?  do I have time to go home and get our stuff??  Ummmmm.......really?  Get up to the hospital now and get in this room with me you crazy man!  Your daddy finally got there and so did your Omi.  Omi tried her best to talk the nurses into letting her stay with me but they knew better.  They sent her off to the waiting room and me and your daddy headed towards the OR.  I went inside while daddy waiting for them to give me my pain shot.  Before we knew it, everything was underway and I heard your beautiful cry.   I got to see you for a second and then the nurses took you to clean you up.  I then got stiched up and got to hold you while we went to the room.  You met your brother first and he was amazed by you.  He didn't have any words......which is rare!  Everyone one else followed and were introduced to our special little girl.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Baby Shower

The friends at my office threw you a baby shower and we got tons of great stuff!  I was huge!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

4d Ultrasound

We had Tanner's 4d ultrasound today and it was semi-successful.  We were able to get a glimpse of our little chunk but she is squished in there so we couldn't get much more than a face shot!  Can't wait to meet this little lady!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tough Day

Wow today was a tough one.  I am big, hot and achey all over.  Put a 3 yr old on top of that and there you have tough day.  Justin and Cade were so sweet to try and make me feel better though.  Justin started me a bubble bath, put on some music and took Cade outside so I could rest.  A few minutes after being in the tub, I hear them sneaking in and they have handfuls of rose petals to put in my bubble bath.  So sweet!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

So we went to the doctor yesterday for our check-up.  Justin feels so out of place at the OB and isn't really sure what he can look at, touch or if he can even breathe!  This was the big one though so he was brave and joined me to find out what we were's a girl!!!!!!!!!  I am over the moon with excitement!  Of course I love my baby boy and would have loved a buddy for him as well but A GIRL???  I am so, so blessed.  One of each!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Preggers Hormones

Wow do my hormones go nuts when I am pregnant!  I am not a fun person to be around.....must be why Justin has gotten fond of grilling out......time away from me.......ha!  I complain about everything, everything hurts and I am hot.  I wouldn't trade it for the world though and so grateful that I am able to experience something so magical.  I am growing a person inside of me!!! How cool is that?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh my!!!! We are expecting again!!!!  We can't believe it and it all happened sooo quickly!  Cade is going to be a great big brother!